Hi Squatchers, I’m going to do a Facebook live next Wed, 1/31/18, at 4 PM PST. I’ve been trying to find all of the messages I Archived. People I was communicating with about audio recordings, photos, and videos. I tagged “Archive” so they’d be easy to find instead of going through 1,000’s and 1,000’s of messages. But I can’t find them anywhere So if I didn’t get back to you give a shout and I’ll give you the results of what I found out. I’ll be answering any questions you have and give a Finding Bigfoot update. I’ll also go over the whole Mitch McConnel/Rand Paul sighting story.
I heard from Animal Planet today that Finding Bigfoot will start rerunning episodes this Monday.
Have a great weekend and Stay Squatchy My Friends!!
Facebook: @TheJamesBoboFay