4050 Hammond Road
Traverse City
MI 49686 U
Usual crowd about 500 entered and 100 rent snowshoes for $20, probably their first time on them, so no excuse, come join us. The learning curve is zero, strap em’ on and run.
The course is a snowy jaunt through the woods with plenty of logs to jump and branches to duck, like a leg of Dances with Dirt!
Registration Information
Register before NOON on 01/24/2019 – $25 (does not include a shirt or hat)
Register race weekend (01/25/2019 & 01/26/2019) – $30 (does not include a shirt or hat)
There will be the option to rent snowshoes for $20 below if you do not have your own!
NOTE: There will be an elite corral option at the start for participants who expect to snowshoe sub 30 minutes in the 5K and sub 60 minutes in the 10K.